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- Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute — Helping people understand, manage and treat trauma and dissociation.
- Male Survivor — Overcoming sexual victimization of boys and men.
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse — Guide for Primary Care Providers
- Victim assistance online — References and resources for the international victim assistance community.
- Jim Hopper — Lots of great information and resources on trauma and abuse.
- 1 in 6 — For male survivors of sexual abuse, their partners, family and friends.
- Dreamcatchers for Abused Children — Helping to perish an abused child's nightmare.
- PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment) — Shatter the silence of sexual violence.
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) — Help via the National Sexual Assault Hotline
- David Baldwin's Trauma Pages — Resources and information on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and dissociation.
- SNAP — Survivors Network of those abused by priests.
- The Awareness Center — Jewish Coalition against sexual abuse/assault
- Data Base of Registered Sex Offenders
- Break The Abuse Cycle — Silence hurts. Together we can heal.
- Stop the Silence — Our mission is to expose and stop Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and to help survivors heal worldwide.
- The Dissociated Survivor — A great resource for education, awareness & Peer Support - many links to a variety of other websites and bloggers.
- TAALK — Breaking the Silence that Surrounds Child Sexual Abuse - have good statistics & resources
- (Wo)Men Speak Out — Chris and Ophelia De Serres are the founders of (Wo)Men Speak Out - a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating violence against both genders.
- Female Sex Offenders — When we think of sex offenders, most people automatically think of male sex offenders, thus overlooking the frightening reality that seems unfathomable - some women can be and are sex offenders.
- Making Daughters Safe Again — Members only chat room and message board for adult women who were victims of mother-daughter sexual abuse. Opportunity for women to share their experiences, tears, and thoughts in order to help the healing process.
- Oprah Winfrey Show - Raped by his own mother — It's the side of child molestation that's rarely talked about - Gregg Milligan reveals how he survived years of physical and sexual abuse at the hands of his own mother.
- Oprah Winfrey Show - Female Sex Offender Interview — Laura says she's molested more than 100 children. Her warning to parents.
- Quotes - — "It shouldn't hurt to be a child" "Silence is the abuser's friend" - authors unknown
- MedPage Today — Routine genetic tests in children can suggest that they were the products of incest, putting clinicians in an ethically awkward situation, researchers suggested.
- Quote — "When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak." - Audre Lorde
- Michael Skinner Music — Michael Skinner's music and advocacy helps give hope and inspiration to those affected by depression, PTSD, childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, mental illness and the horrors of incest
- The Survivors Trust — United Kingdom and Ireland based - full of resources committed to empowering survivors and their supporters to work through and beyond the experience of abuse.
- SECASA [South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault] — A sexual assault and rape crisis centre located in Victoria, Australia - contains information on sexual assault and child abuse for workers, survivors, family, friends and children.
- Marcy Rubin - iPEC Certified Coach - 450 Resources for Bipolar Disorder & Other Mental Health Illnesses — Marcy has compiled an incredible listing of resources
- Let Go, Let Peace Come In — Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Working Together To Heal, Recover and Enact Change and Understanding
- Trauma Survivors Share Tips for Therapists Dealing with Trauma — Gift From Within - PTSD Resources for Survivors and Caregivers
- Gift From Within — Resources for Survivors and Caregivers of Trauma and Victimization
- Healing self hate & feelings of shame and unworthiness — Cyquest contains many resources for healing mind, body and spirit.
- Ark of Hope for Children — Awareness of and provides emotional care for victims of child abuse, child sex trafficking and bullying (peer abuse) - focus on care, habilitation, support and life transformation
Trauma, Sexual Abuse, and Incest
- "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of justice when it mattered most, that made it possible for evil to triumph." — Haile Selassie